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Our Produce

We focus on producing high quality vegetables by following organic practices and good land stewardship in Bozeman, MT growing 30+ varieties of vegetables.

The farm consists of 6 high tunnels & 3 caterpillar tunnels for a total of 4 acres in field production.

What we grow …

  Arugula - Basil - Beets - Broccolini - Bok Choy - Cabbage - Carrots - Chard - Cilantro - Cucumbers - Dill - Eggplant - Fennel - Garlic - Green Beans - Garlic Scapes - Herbs - Kale - Leeks - Lettuce Heads - Lettuce Mix - Microgreens - Onions - Parsley - Parsnips - Pea Shoots - Hot Peppers - Sweet Peppers - Radishes - Cherry Tomatoes - Heirloom Tomatoes - Slicing Tomatoes - Salad Turnips - Spinach - Shallots - Snap Peas - Summer Squash - Zucchini

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